Why visit a dentist with old technology that can be more irritating when you could visit one that can keep you comfortable during your entire appointment? In most cases, we find that the only reason patients do not take advantage of options like LANAP Dentistry is because they are simply unaware of it. With that in mind, here is information about LANAP dentistry in Monterey, CA. We also recommend calling us or visiting our office if you have any other questions.
What is LANAP Dentistry?
LANAP dentistry stands for Laser-assisted new attachment procedure and is a gum disease treatment with FDA approval. A form of laser therapy, LANAP dentistry is a minimally invasive solution that can help to regrow gum tissue and fight against bone loss due to gum disease. Using a laser, we are able to remove the bacteria that causes gum disease to begin with. Since the laser fiber is as small as a few human hairs, it does not irritate the gum tissue while removing the bacteria. By comparison, traditional gum treatments require the use of metal dental tools to scrape the bacteria off of the teeth after the gums have been pulled away. A traditional procedure can be painful and uncomfortable due to how invasive it is.Our process works incredibly well because we are targeting the cause of the swelling and irritation, while also working to restore your health to what it was before the gum disease. Since we can use this procedure to decrease the amount with which your gums recede, we can restore your gums and cover more of your tooth structure without the need for a gum grafting procedure. We can treat your entire mouth in only two visits, around two hours for each. A traditional deep cleaning and gum grafting procedure can take far longer.
LANAP Dentistry in Monterey, CA: Why It's Better
There are several benefits to LANAP dentistry over traditional methods, including:
- The LANAP procedure is less painful
- You will have minimal sensitivity after the treatment
- The recovery process is quick and there is little downtime, meaning you can get back to work
- You will experience little to no gum recession
Visit Us for LANAP Dentistry in Monterey, CA
Our LANAP treatment focuses on healing and regeneration. Rather than simply focusing on removing the bacteria that is causing the disease, we also seek to restore your health regenerate both your gum and bone; the restoration promotes new gum and bone growth. This treatment is an all-encompassing treatment rather than a narrow one, which improves your health dramatically.Learn more by calling our office today.