Monday, March 2, 2015

What You Can Expect From a Sleep Dentist

Sleep Dentist
You may wonder the pros of sleep dentistry, we can tell you what you can expect from a licensed and experienced sleep dentist. The phrase sleep dentistry gets tossed around a lot, but most people are inaccurately identifying what it means. A true sleep dentist can actually be very hard to find, but we offer first rate sleep dentistry. Sleep dentists often get confused with lighter sedation dentists, but they are not the same. Our sleep dentistry provides actual sleep sedation, in addition to other sedation methods. If you want all the options possible, our dentist office can provide quality care.

Normal sedation is commonly limited to light levels of sedation like those attained with Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) or benzodiazepines to be taken beforehand. These methods offer a calming and relaxing effect in a conscious state. This is preferred by some, but during these sedative methods you will still need local anesthesia for areas that are being worked on. When you need a more complicated procedure done, or you suffer from intense anxiety or dental phobia, you will want and need a deep sleep sedation.

As a sleep dentist, we will provide you with an unconscious sedation during the whole length of whatever procedure or oral surgery you are undergoing, whether is it getting dental implants or having your wisdom teeth removed among many others. This unconscious sedation will be administered through an IV. Although you can also be consciously sedated through an IV, our safe and monitored unconscious IV sedation provides unbeatable comfort during any procedure. Depending on your level of sedation, IV sedation can also be called general anesthesia.

The benefits of visiting a sleep dentist are extensive. Firstly, you will not require additional local anesthesia in most cases. This eliminates the hassles of misplaced numbing or the need of additional numbing throughout your procedure, creating a smoother process. During unconscious sedation, you will not recall anything that takes place during your procedure. This eliminates all chances of having a traumatic experience or being in any state of discomfort. If you remember anything, it will extremely limited and it will not include feelings of discomfort. We will also be able to accomplish more during a shorter period of time since you will be very still during your sedation. This will create a more efficient procedure and lead to less chair time and follow up visits for you to schedule. You will be monitored closely so there will be no chance of you waking up during your procedure. This will also put your fears at rest

We can help you avoid any unpleasantries during your dental visits. As a sleep dentist, we will help you to relax knowing that you won’t have to endure a complex procedure consciously. If you have a severe dental phobia, our sleep dentist will ensure that you have a supportive and relaxed visit. Whatever your reasons may be, we encourage you to try a qualified sleep dentist for your sleep sedation. This way you can ensure that your dental procedure is completed while you are entirely comfortable and unaware of what is happening.  By the time you wake up, we will be finished and you will be on the road to recovery.