Thursday, September 25, 2014

How Visiting a Periodontist Can Improve Your Gum Health

If your gums are in pain, visit a periodontist so that we can help you to feel better right away.  For many adults, gum disease is something that they live with.  The level of gum disease determines how bad the pain is and whether or not there are additional complications.  For example, while in its early stages, gingivitis can make gums swollen, and they may be uncomfortable but not particularly painful.  As the condition spreads, gums start to recede, and pockets can be formed in the gum tissue.  This is particularly dangerous because bacteria can gather in these pockets and attack the exposed tooth and roots.

Regardless, of what stage of gum disease you have – it is important to seek treatment right away so that the disease can be removed, and your gums can start to heal.  If you don’t, your teeth may become severely infected and fall out. This will lead to the need for an additional procedure, so it is better to simply treat gum disease early and avoid this situation. 

A periodontist is a specialist at treating gum disease, and we perform these procedures on a regular basis.  There are several types of treatment options to consider. 

Chao Pinhole Gum Rejuvenation
This treatment is extremely popular because it can be completed over your lunch break with no downtime.  This makes it an easy solution for fixing gums that have receded.  In only one visit patients see amazing results and gums look youthful again.  There are no stiches, so it is ideal for people that have a busy schedule but still need to have a treatment completed. 

Gum Grafts
As a periodontist, we specialize in gum grafts.  Most general dentists don’t perform the procedure; so many of our patients are referred to us for this treatment after their teeth have been thoroughly cleaned.  This procedure is also known as gum plastic surgery because by the end of the procedure, the exposed area of your tooth and roots will be covered.  In order to complete a gum graft, we can take tissue from the roof of your mouth and graft it to your gums which will close the gap. This helps to prevent infections and also reduces any sensitivity that would have been caused by something that touches the exposed roots and tooth.  

When having a procedure like these conducted it is important to visit an experienced periodontist.  This is a special field of dentistry that requires additional years of schooling and training in order to complete gum grafts and other gum treatments with precision.  As with any type of medical procedure, if you visit a dentist that conducts surgery on a regular basis they will be better at it and your risk of complications will be reduced.  On the other hand if you visited a family doctor for heart surgery, the results probably wouldn’t be what you wanted.  The same holds true for dentistry; so we recommend that if your dentist has told you that you need surgery or a type of gum graft, you call us for a consultation to examine your gums and make recommendations as to what needs to be done. 

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