Adults over forty are at the greatest risk for gum recession. While a common problem, if left untreated it can lead to tooth pain, infection, and gum disease. At the Perio & Implant Center of Monterey Bay, Dr. Pechak treats gum recession and gum disease so that patients can stay in the best oral health possible. There are ways to prevent gum recession with ongoing dental care. When done correctly, you can stop gums from receding before they cause any damage.
It is important to understand how it develops in the first place. Here are some of the common triggers:
- Gum disease. Those suffering from gum disease will often have their gums recede as well. The best way to avoid gum disease is to brush regularly and floss along with visiting the dentist twice a year for teeth cleaning. The dental hygienist can remove bacteria from on and around the gum line that can create an infection. Typically, removing the bacteria is enough to prevent gum disease.
- Flossing incorrectly. It is important to floss gently. People that are too aggressive can cut into their gums and increase their risk of them becoming infected.
- Aggressive brushing. Gum recession can start due to aggressive tooth brushing. Using a hard toothbrush increases the risk so switch to a soft or electronic one instead. Brush thoroughly but gently in order to prevent gum irritation.
- Stomach acid. Those with an eating disorder or severe stomach acid may be at risk for gum recession as the acid attacks the gums and teeth.
- Chewing tobacco. Smokeless tobacco products increase the risk of gum disease and oral cancer. They are bad for your teeth and your gums.
- Diabetes. One of the signs of uncontrolled blood sugar levels is restricted blood flow to the gums. This can lead to gum disease since diabetics in general have a more difficult time fighting off infection.
- Lip and tongue piercings. When the piercing rubs against the gums it can lead to damage and gum recession.
- Genetics. Some people are predisposed to gum recession due to their genetics. If your parents had it you should see a dentist on a regular basis to reduce your risk.
Gum recession can often be prevented by preventing gum disease. The easiest way to do so is to take care of your teeth and gums at home then visit the dentist twice a year for a regular teeth cleaning. By removing bacteria from around the gums, your gums will naturally become healthier. Gums that are plagued with bacteria will become more and more damaged over time.
Those who are currently suffering from gum recession will benefit from working with Dr. Pechak at the Perio & Implant Center. As a Board Certified Periodontist, he is an expert at treating gum disease and gum recession and can perform gum plastic surgery to correct the problem. By restoring the missing gum tissue, pain will be reduced, teeth will become more secure, and overall oral health is promoted. To learn more, call and schedule an appointment today.